Urban Larsson - Painting from Life
Editor: Wendela Burgemeister
Authors: Edwin Becker, Sabine E. Craft-Giepmans
Preface by Axel Rüger, director of the Van Gogh Museum and De Mesdag Collectie & Elsebeth Welander-Berggren, director of the Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum
Publisher Lecturis BV, 2017
112 pages, text in English
ISBN 9789462262140
Urban Larsson - Paintings & Drawings
Foreword: Urban Larsson
Essays: Jan Six and Charles Cecil
Publisher Bekking & Blitz Uitgevers BV, 2010
Realized with ING, the Netherlands
160 pages, over 150 color illustrations, text in English
ISBN 9789061091653
Urban Larsson - Paintings 1991-2006
Foreword: Urban Larsson
Interview: John T. Spike
Essays: Charles H. Cecil and Nicholas Beer
Publisher Waanders publishers, Zwolle 2007
112 pages, text in English
ISBN 139789040083815